Banking Symposium

27th Banking Symposium 2024: Generative AI in Finance (September 25, 2024)

Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) will significantly impact and change the financial and banking sector. Large language models (LLMs) are at the forefront of this evolution, transforming financial services and creating substantial opportunities. With the sharp increase in commercial applications, economic, societal, and existential risks associated with the technology also receive more attention.

The aim of the 27th Banking Symposium (September 25, 2024) is to bring together active researchers and practitioners interested in the transformation in banking and finance through GAI. The final program will include several academic presentations and insights from invited experts from the industry.

The symposium directly preceeds the 30th DGF Jahrestagung in Aachen (September 26-28, 2024). It is possible to reach Aachen by train (direct connection) within 90 minutes.

Further information


Please use the following link to register for the banking symposium 2024: Registration

We look forward to welcoming you to the 27th banking sympsium in Duisburg!

Participation is free of charge for UDE students.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact bankensymposium [at] uni-due [dot] de.


Further information will be available in July 2024...


Please use the following link to register for the banking symposium 2024: Registration

We look forward to welcoming you to the 27th banking sympsium in Duisburg!

Participation is free of charge for UDE students.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact bankensymposium [at] uni-due [dot] de.